Interested in learning more about PTA Positions or Helping on a Committee?
At Brandon Elementary volunteering is one of the BEST ways to meet other families. By taking an active role at your child's school you help enhance the school experience. The PTA has three tiers of commitment so you can choose what's best for you and your family.
Required by the California PTA, these officers are voted in yearly by the association.
Helps brainstorm and assist the committee chair as needed. You may join multiple committees.
Executive Board Officers
Members of the PTA Executive board meet each month during the school year. This ensures that members receive advance notice of all business items that will be considered and voted on at the association meeting.
These officers work both independently and together to meet a common goal. They follow the rules set by the California Parent Teacher Association (CAPTA) and the Bylaws voted on by the Brandon Association Members.
Click Here for List of Current Officers, Open Positions and Job Descriptions
Committee Chairpersons
These volunteers lead programs or events to enhance the Brandon Community. These chairs receive guidance from the VPs and help from anyone on the committee. Committee chairs may share ideas and call for a vote during PTA meetings. Although not required, attending PTA meetings is a plus. Without these leaders important events will not happen. Co-Chairs are allowed so grab a friend.
Committee Members
Helping on committees is a great way to make sure our students receive a robust Brandon school experience. Without ample help planning and executing these programs and events won't happen. With enough volunteers the PTA can continue to provide an enriched school environment full of spirit, excitement and fun. A short description of each committee is listed for your reference. Please volunteer for one of more committees by completing the form below. You can always change your mind and be removed from the list. If you have questions please email
If you are not ready to commit, that's ok, please complete the form anyway. You may always change your preferences later.